[Trebuie sa fiti înscris şi conectat pentru a vedea această imagine]File name: Block Access to Guest Author: IPB / Sherlock & Wagner Functionality: Punbb Administration Panel → Modules → Html & Javascript Management → Javascript Management [Trebuie sa fiti înscris şi conectat pentru a vedea această imagine]Name: Block Access to Guest Placement: All pages - Cod:
/* * code developed by Wagner / Sherlock * * DO NOT REMOVE THE CREDITS. */ $(function(){ var block = $('#block'); ( block.length ? $('.main').remove() : null ); }); Go to your Overall_header and paste this at the end - Cod:
<!-- BEGIN switch_user_logged_out --> <style type="text/css"> .ipsType_pagetitle, .ipsType_subtitle { font: 300 26px/1.4 Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; color: #323232; } .ipsBox, .ipsPad { padding: 9px; } .ipsBox { background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #EEE; } .ipsBox, .ipsPad { padding: 9px; } .ipsBox_container { border: 1px solid #DCDCDC; } .border, .post_block, .ipsComment, .popupInner, .no_messages, .poll_question ol, .ipsBox_container, .ipsFloatingAction, .ipsSideBlock, .statistics, .general_box, .column_view .post_body { background: none repeat scroll 0% 0% #FFF; } .desc, .desc.blend_links a, p.posted_info { font-size: 11px; color: #777; } .right { float: right; } .ipsPad_top { padding-top: 9px; } .ipsType_smaller, .ipsType_smaller a { font-size: 11px !important; } .desc, .desc.blend_links a, p.posted_info { font-size: 11px; color: #777; } .right { float: right; } .ipsPad_top { padding-top: 9px; } .ipsType_smaller, .ipsType_smaller a { font-size: 11px !important; } .gallery_pane h2, .ipsBox_container .ipsType_pagetitle, .ipsType_sectiontitle { border-top: 0px none; } #recentajaxcontent li, #idm_categories a, #idm_categories li.with_sub.open li, #index_stats .status_list li, #panel_files .file_listing li, #panel_screenshots #ss_linked li, .file_listing, #cart_totals td, div#member_filters li, #files li, .ipsType_sectiontitle, #order_review td, #package_details .package_info, .block_list li, .package_view_top, .member_entry, #help_topics li, .ipsBox_container .ipsType_pagetitle, .userpopup dl, #announcements td, .sideVerticalList li, fieldset.with_subhead ul, .ipsList_data li, .ipsList_withminiphoto li, .ipsList_withmediumphoto li, table.ipb_table td, .store_categories li, #mini_cart li, #index_stats div[id*="statusReply"], #ipg_category .ipg_category_row, .block_inner .ipb_table td, .gallery_pane h2, .status_feedback li[id*="statusReply"], .ipsSideMenu ul li, #usercp_content .ipsType_subtitle, .ipbfs_login_row, .articles .block-1, .articles .type-1x2x2 .article_row, #idm_category .idm_category_row, #category_list li a, .ipsComment, #forum_table.ipb_table tr:last-of-type td { border-bottom: 1px solid #F3F3F3; } .ipsType_sectiontitle { font-size: 16px; font-weight: normal; color: #595959; padding: 5px 0px; } .bullets ul, .bullets ol, ul.bullets, ol.bullets { list-style: disc outside none; margin-left: 30px; line-height: 150%; } .bullets li { padding: 2px; } </style> <br></br><br></br><br></br><br></br><br></br> <div id="block"> <h1 class="ipsType_pagetitle">Oops! It seems that something went wrong ...</h1> <div class="ipsBox"> <div class="ipsBox_container ipsPad"> <span class="right desc ipsType_smaller ipsPad_top">[#10123] </span> <p class="ipsType_sectiontitle"> The administrator blocked the view of guests, only members can view this field. </p> <br> <p>Useful links</p> <ul class="ipsPad_top bullets"> <li><a href="/login" title="Log in">Click to login </a></li> <li><a href="/faq" rel="help" title="Our help documentation">Read our FAQ</a></li> <li><a href="/contact" title="Contact the community administrator">Contact us</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <!-- END switch_user_logged_out --> |